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Announcement of Network Infrastructure Maintenance Works in DB01B07 (Campus Freihaus) on Monday, Dec. 19th 2022

Due to the expansion of our network infrastructure in DB01B07 (Campus Freihaus), an outage of network connectivity will affect a limited number of connections in the building areas DA01, DA02, DB02, DCEG, DC01 und DC02 between 8:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Monday, December 19th, 2022.

One of our network switches will be replaced by a higher capacity device.

24 out of 120 connections in the following areas will be affected by am outage in duration of ca. 1 hour:

Media and lecture hall networks in lecture halls FH 1, FH 2, FH 5, FH 6

Public displays in DC01, DA02, DB02, DC02

Kiosk in entry hall area DCEG

WLAN in DA01, DCEG, DC01, DC02

Network and phone connections in DBEG, DCEG

We are dedicated to keeping the outage as short as possible.

For questions or problems relating to the announced works, please contact the respective TUnet release agent of your institute / division or