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LoReMi: Local Responses to Residency Precariousness

A project on frameworks, strategies and innovative practices for the inclusion of migrants with precarious residence status in Europe

Migrants with precarious residence status are excluded from many services and regular employment opportunities due to their residence status. Numerous European cities address the resulting problems with local programs and projects, often in partnership and alliances with civil society actors.

Building on the C-MISE city network coordinated by the University of Oxford, the LoReMi project, launched in May 2021, addresses these local policies and strategies for inclusion and upholding human rights regardless of residence status. Forms of cooperation and division of responsibilities as well as the discursive framings between public and civil society stakeholders in this field are investigated. Special attention will be paid to local approaches to support women with precarious residence status.

The project is being carried out by the Center on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) at Oxford University, the Department of Social Work at Fulda University of Applied Sciences, and the Sociology Research Department at TU Wien in close cooperation with the city councils of Cardiff, Frankfurt, and Vienna. It is funded under the Joint Programming Initiative "Urban Europe" with a duration of 18 months (5.2021-11.2022).

The aim of the project is to fill knowledge gaps and promote European, transdisciplinary knowledge exchange on the inclusion of migrants with precarious residence status in municipal services, as well as to initiate social innovations in this thematic field together with stakeholders.

Further information can be found on the project website, opens an external URL in a new window

Project lead Vienna: Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Simon Güntner
Project collaboration Vienna: Adrienne Homberger B.A., M.A. 

Project partner Vienna: Shams Asadi, Human Rights Office of the City of Vienna, opens an external URL in a new window