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Leadership Value Chains: Execution, Engagement & Enhancement

Leaders bring with them different personalities and experiences that influence their leadership style and success. It is important for leaders to recognize their leadership personality and consciously deal with their strengths and weaknesses.

[Translate to English:] Value Chains

Leaders come from all walks of life, bringing with them diverse experiences and personality traits that shape their management strategies and ultimately determine their success. A quick scan of the headlines reveals the vast pool of diverse personalities occupying leadership roles, some more successfully than others. Countless books are available that attempt to generalize successful management practices based on individual case studies of famous leaders.

One question persists: What really constitutes effective leadership and how can leaders identify their strengths and weaknesses to better manage their roles? To answer this, we have developed a leadership model that provides an accurate assessment of one's leadership personality and highlights areas for further development.

Leadership Value Chains Model

The Leadership Value Chains Model acts as a basis for our exploration. This model identifies the value-added processes that leaders can employ in their roles to proficiently manage tasks and initiate future-oriented impulses.

1. Execution

Execution encompasses the tasks necessary to consistently address and accomplish project tasks and associated goals. Leaders must set clear priorities, assign tasks, and track progress to ensure results align with the expectations set.

2. Engagement

Engagement underscores the social dimension of leadership. Leaders should actively involve their teams in work processes on a substantial and social level. Energizing, connecting, and encouraging team members while facilitating an atmosphere of psychological safety all fall within this category.

3. Enhancement

Enhancement directs the gaze towards the future. The leader’s behavior is decisive in determining which future-oriented impulses, from a myriad of internal and external sources, are acknowledged and implemented. In essence, the shaping of your department's future lies within your hands and decisions.

Each leader places different emphasis on the activity fields encompassed by the three Leadership Value Chains. Personality traits and experience play a significant part. For instance, stability-oriented individuals might focus more on the Execution Value Chain, whereas those open to innovations may lean heavily on the Enhancement Value Chain.

Leaders can use this model to spot their strengths and weaknesses by reflecting on how much time and attention they devote to each field. In having this self-awareness, leaders can consciously use their strengths and counterbalance their weaknesses.

In Conclusion

Given the complexities and uncertainties presented in the business environment, leaders need to be aware of the requirements across execution, engagement, and enhancement. The Leadership Value Chains Model offers a compass to navigate through these turbulent times, providing a clearer picture of one's leadership personality and guidance on expanding one’s leadership potential. 

Don't forget >> As part of our Executive MBA program Strategic Management & Technology, participants learn the essential fundamentals that make strategic leadership successful in the long term.

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