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Commissioning of the 2x20kW co-electrolysis system directCCE

Group picture TUW and Novapecc

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directCCE test rig (From left to right: Georg Brunauer, Martin Schulz, Felix Ettlinger, Markus Haider)

process scheme

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The Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering research area, in cooperation with the company NOVAPECC GmbH, has put the heart of the lead project “directCCE” into operation at the Institute for Energy Technology and Thermodynamics. 

In two electrolysis containers, each with a maximum electrical output of 20kW, both co-electrolyzers and pure water electrolyzers are developed in PEM and AEM (CEM) technology, then tested and characterized in terms of both energy-process technology and electrochemistry.The lead project “Direct Carbon Capture and Electrolysis” (directCCE) is part of the innovation network NEFI , opens an external URL in a new window(New Energy for Industry) of the Austrian Climate and Energy Funds.

The project consortium consists of the partner organizations TU Vienna IET (E302, coordinator), NOVAPECC GmbH, TU Vienna IFT (E311), University of Innsbruck, Wien Energie, Scheuch Group, GIG Karasek GmbH, ENRAG GmbH and Montanuniversität Leoben.

The aim is to demonstrate a novel technology for the direct conversion of CO2 emissions from combustion gases (waste incineration, etc.) into valuable raw materials.

The directCCE concept, which falls under the CCU (Carbon Capture and Utilization) category, is based on previous research into the combination of CO2 absorption and direct electrocatalytic conversion, which makes it possible to produce synthetic hydrocarbons in a comparatively simple process.

The project aims to demonstrate this technology on a semi-industrial scale, with a capacity of approximately one ton of CO2 per week. The heart of the project is an integrated CO2 capture and co-electrolysis process, which converts CO2-rich flue gas and water H2O into synthesis gas (CO + H2). Synthesis gas serves as a starting material for the production of climate-neutral hydrocarbons. A specially developed combination of an electrolyte that can dissolve large amounts of CO2 and highly efficient catalysts for electrochemical CO2 conversion plays a central role. The innovative process promises lower energy consumption, high cycle stability and lower investment costs compared to traditional processes.

For further information please contact Prof. Markus Haider at and visit also the project website at E302.