All news at TU Wien

Aid measures for students and scientists from war zones

The Rectorate supports students and scientists from Ukraine and Russia with immediately effective aid measures and offers.

  Blue and yellow thumbs up hand with forearm. Above the word "support"

"It is important that we act quickly and unbureaucratically now," explains Rector Sabine Seidler. The implementation at TU Wien therefore looks like this:

  • No tuition fees for Ukrainian students 
  • Simplified leave of absence
  • Admission of visiting scholars with scholarships in research areas represented at the TUW
  • Creation of "scholarships" for up to 10 visiting scientists until June 30, 2022

TUW Academy, opens in new window provides places for Ukrainian refugees in its continuing education programs.

The Hochschüler_innenschaft (HTU) is currently working hard to set up an aid fund for affected students, opens an external URL in a new window at TU Wien. The Admission Office, opens in new window, as well as the HTU departments for Social Policy, opens an external URL in a new window and Foreign Students, opens an external URL in a new window are the contact points at the TU Wien for the support of those in need of help and the monitoring of these measures.

In the press release of the Universities Austria (uniko) of 28 February 2022, TUW Rector Sabine Seidler states: "Our unreserved solidarity goes out to the entire Ukrainian population, the scientists and students on the ground or fleeing, as well as the numerous partner universities and scientific institutions whose future is uncertain". At the same time, however, it is important to send a signal to Russian students, academics and activists who are raising their voices against the war at great risk and facing massive repression. "We will not allow the war to divide our universities. Science, art and peaceful coexistence are our common language."

Further further support offers:

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28.02.2022 "Let’s make science, not war!", opens an external URL in a new window