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Data Management Plans (DMPs)

Find here the most important information in an easily digestible way, e.g. which funding agencies require a DMP and if so which template.

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A DMP is a structured guide which keeps a record of what type of research data is created and what happens to that data during and after a project. This includes not only information about the origin of the data and contextual information relating to the data collection process, but also about possible restrictions on access to that data, as well as later citability, long-term availability and, if necessary, deletion.

Even more administrative work?

Rather, you should see a DMP as a planning tool that saves work in the long run. A DMP helps with planning the research process and defining responsibilities in a research project involving several researchers or institutions. This also allows to identify possible expenditure of resources at an early stage. Good to know: Data management costs, opens an external URL in a new window are considered eligible costs for most funders, but only if they have already been taken into account in the project proposal.

Important to know: TU Wien has good news in terms of effort minimisation. We are currently working on an automated DMP tool. The goal is to get away from paper-based forms and use an online tool to address key issues: data types, usage licenses and repositories. Most importantly, we want to spare you double and multiple entries by automatically taking over information that already exists in other systems.

Which funding bodies currently require DMPs?

The FWF requires a DMP for all projects that are approved after 1 January 2019 under the new application guidelines. The first DMP version is necessary for the project start.

The FFG does not yet have an open science or open data policy. However, in some calls, such as the recently launched KIRAS Security Research Program, it is noted that project outcomes should be visible and available. The use of a DMP is strongly recommended.

For WWTF applies that explicit planning for research data management in the life sciences, especially in clinical calls, is mandatory. This point needs to be addressed in the proposals. Detailed DMPs are not yet required, even if they are considered a useful tool by the WWTF.

For European projects, the topic is not new. Since the Work Programme 2016 - 2017, all thematic areas of Horizon 2020 participate in the Open Research Data Pilot by default. A DMP is a deliverable and must be submitted in the first six months after project start.

Are specific DMP templates required?

The FWF provides its own template

Because practices regarding the management, storage and sharing of data vary widely across disciplines, some funding bodies, such as the FFG and the European Commission for Horizon 2020 do not make mandatory requirements. However, they make recommendations for the following templates or the online tool DMPOnline

Tip: Basically, it is important for funders that a DMP meets the FAIR principles, opens an external URL in a new window. Science Europe provides clues to meet these criteria in the Core Requirements for Data Management Plans, opens an external URL in a new window

More information can be found in the DMPs, opens an external URL in a new window section of our website.

For further questions please contact the team, opens an external URL in a new window of the Center for Research Data Management!


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Resselgasse 4 (TU Wien Bibliothek), 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien