All news at TU Wien

COVID-19 measures adjustments for lockdown

The intensified measures of the Federal Government ("lockdown until December 6") again require adjustments for the university operations at TU Wien.

[Translate to English:] TUW-Hauptgebäude mit Warnhinweisen

It is important that the existing regulations of TU Wien remain in place:, opens an external URL in a new window. We will continue to work on the basis of the existing security concepts, which, thanks to your prudence and trust, are effective and thus ensure safe university operations at TU Wien.

Study and teaching

Especially for the study and teaching environment, there is an urgent appeal from higher education policy makers to operationalise the urgent switch to distance learning and the immediate discontinuation of face-to-face teaching.

  • From Tuesday, 17 November, all courses (above all VO, VU, SE and UE) at TU Wien must be converted to a distance learning format. Should this not be possible, the LVA management must report the course using the form The Distance Learning Team will either provide support in converting the course into a suitable online concept or the course must be postponed to a later date.
  • Only those laboratory practice/internship operations (LU, PR) which were started with an approved occupational safety measure concept in the winter semester 2020 can continue under these general conditions. The same applies to dissertations, diploma, master and bachelor theses for which attendance in the laboratory is required.
  • Only those study rooms for which an occupational safety approved safety concept is available can be used, if necessary, in the time between 08:00 and 16:00 o'clock. Compliance with the safety measures is checked by TUW's Security Service. This also applies to the learning rooms in the library.
  • Excursions may not be carried out until further notice.
  • Examinations must be converted to an online format. Lecturers will receive support in converting to a suitable online examination format and, where necessary, please contact the Distance Learning Team
  • Attendance examinations are suspended and will not be held from Tuesday, 17.11.2020 until 31.01.2021 for reasons of planning.
  • Access to TUW buildings for distance teaching (e.g. recording of lectures) is still possible without restriction.
  • We have set up a "letterbox" for students on the subject of studyability and distance learning: Students can contact this letterbox (also anonymously) if they have difficulties with distance learning or examinations.

Information material for teachers:


The current approach in research operations will be maintained. Colleagues who have to maintain and be present in the company (e.g. research projects, laboratories and workshops, bachelor's/master's theses, dissertations) should continue to do so with all necessary protective and safety measures (wearing masks, keeping distance, hygiene rules). The obligatory QR Code registration when entering TU buildings must be carried out conscientiously:, opens an external URL in a new window

The opening hours of the library are limited to 08:00 - 16:00 until further notice. There is no costumer service on site. Borrowing items from the library is sent by internal mail, external borrowing requests are also processed and handled by post for a fee.

On Campus or Home Office?

With reference to the current COVID-19 Emergency Situation Ordinance - COVID-19-NotV of the Ministry of Health, the following must be observed:
In the case of "initial regulations", §1 of the ordinance provides for leaving the private residential area and staying outside the private residential area, among other things, for "professional purposes and training purposes, if necessary". This means that all employees who are able to do their work from home should remain in the home office in consultation with their immediate supervisor (UV). If the immediate supervisor together with the employee determines that the completion of work is only possible at TU Wien (i.e. the work cannot be carried out in the home office), the presence at the workplace at TU Wien is required. Every member of staff is therefore entitled to enter the buildings of TU Wien in the coming weeks, if necessary.

Obligation to register for employees and students

In order for the TUW to maintain a structured overview of the infection incidence among its members and also of absences due to other reasons, please note

Special situation Works Council elections

For the works council elections to be held on 18 and 19 November, a comprehensive safety concept has been drawn up, which will allow votes to be cast on the spot. However, explicit reference is made to the possibility of postal voting.


Please continue to help to make the TUW operation as safe and practical as possible!