All news at TU Wien

Corona – Update | Preview Teaching after Easter Holidays

Insight into the current planning of examination and teaching for the coming months.

 Photo of the main building on Karlsplatz with the heading "Covid-19 Info", the update time and the update link:

Unfortunately, the current infection situation is sobering and the incidence is particularly high in your age group. Due to the rising numbers, we are currently unable to make a final decision as to when the first opening steps will be possible again at TU Wien. The Rectorate will evaluate the situation again after Easter due to COVID-19 and announce the further steps.

In advance, however, I can give you an insight into the planned measures and regulations that are already being planned for implementation at the end of April/beginning of May.

Planned measures and rules of conduct from the end of April / beginning of May

The four most important pillars for the safest possible operation on site are:

  • Compliance with the 2 metre safety distance.
  • The obligation to wear an FFP2 mask from the moment of entering until the moment of leaving all buildings.
  • A recognised, negative test result.
  • QR code scans for contact person management.

The exact regulations for the summer semester 2021 will be regulated by a directive that is currently being drafted by the Rectorate. In addition to this regulation, the document "Studies and Teaching in the Summer Semester 2021: Guidelines for Attendance at the TU Wien" will also be published, which will provide all further details.

Measures for gradual openings

If there is a gradual opening, there will still be an obligation for course instructors and examiners to submit an application to the Vice Rectorate for Academic Affairs regarding the necessity of holding courses and/or examinations in attendance, as the 2-metre distance reduces the occupancy capacity of our teaching rooms to approx. 15% and good planning of the allocation of our room resources is a prerequisite for partially open teaching.

  • It will certainly be necessary to present a valid, officially recognised, negative COVID-19 test result (digital or paper) in combination with the student ID when entering TU Wien buildings ("Alles gurgelt" PCR tests are also recognised:
  • The testing is introduced as a supplement to achieve a better level of protection for staff and students and does not replace any of the applicable safety and hygiene regulations.
  • Registration via QR code is also absolutely necessary. This is done as usual when entering the buildings and additionally in the respective lecture halls or seminar rooms. The QR code registration in the respective lecture room is necessary to complete the contact tracing when entering the seat.

Classrooms become learning spaces

In the event that attendance exams and distance learning units are very tightly scheduled and no learning room is available in the library or near the student council, we are currently working on a concept for opening up central teaching rooms for use as learning rooms. You will receive details from the central teaching and learning room management at the time when an opening becomes feasible.