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Contribution to IBA_Wien 2022: Pocket Mannerhatten

The article "Pocket Mannerhatten. Betreiber*innenmodelle - Nachsorgekonzepte - Anreizmöglichkeiten" written by Gesa Witthöft, Dominik Hölzl et al. is now online available

Cover from the IBA publication

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The report summarizes the findings of the IBA_Wien 2022 / MA 50 - research assignment to develop theoretical and empirical foundations of a common good-based, non-monetary incentive and promotion system in the sense of the project concept Pocket Mannerhatten.  The aim of this assignment was to further develop the possibilities of non-monetary incentives elaborated in the research project on the basis of concrete structural and social conditions in the "Block 61" to be studied, to discuss them with representatives of the authorities, and to deepen the findings. In the future, a system will be developed that expands the range of control instruments for urban renewal and generates attractive impulses for owners and residents for cross-property and community-oriented development and use of their buildings.

The contribution to IBA_Wien 2022 is now available for download., opens a file in a new window