All news at TU Wien

BMBWF project FAIR Data Austria successfully completed

Big steps towards Open Science and improved RDM in Austria.

The project team standing under trees is a courtyard of TU Graz.

© TU Graz

The project team at a project meeting in Graz in October 2022

For three years, the project team, led by TU Graz and with the participation of TU Wien, worked in a concentrated manner and pursued the goal of improving research data management at Austria's universities and beyond. You can find details about the project and the results in the news item about the project completion, opens an external URL in a new window on the FAIR Data Austria website.

The project idea of developing technical and organisational solutions in parallel, involving researchers in a targeted manner, and networking nationally and internationally, was a success. In addition to developing tools and services that simplify the handling of research data, supporting the Open Science idea, and promoting the implementation of the FAIR principles, platforms for exchanging information on RDM topics have been established. The sustainable development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) was supported through targeted collaboration in working groups.

New tools and services for TU Wien

The results of the project are impressive and benefit both our research support work in the Center for RDM and the researchers at TU Wien in a very concrete way, now and in the future, as you can see from the following list:

- TU Wien Research Data, opens an external URL in a new window: institutional data repository for the publication of your research data

- TU Wien DMP Tool, opens an external URL in a new window: supports you in writing data management plans

- DBRepo, opens an external URL in a new window: the next-generation repository for databases (under development)

- Institutional RDM training in the PE programme, opens an external URL in a new window: workshops on GIT, DMP, and our data repository

- Open Educational Resources RDM, opens an external URL in a new window: for self-study and use in teaching

- Webinar series RDM in Austria, opens an external URL in a new window: to attend and review

- GO FAIR Austria office, opens an external URL in a new window: for networking and support in the field of the FAIR principles

- Integration in the EOSC: EOSC Association Task Forces, opens an external URL in a new window, EOSC Support Office Austria, opens an external URL in a new window

What's next?

The FAIR Data Austria idea will live on and grow in the BMBWF-funded follow-up project "Shared RDM Services and Infrastructure". The new project will run from July 2023 to June 2026 and aims to build on the results of FAIR Data Austria by expanding its reach and impact and bringing six more partners into the consortium. We are excited to be part of the team again, to create something new together, and to use our experience to benefit the whole research community.

The RDM services at TU Wien are constantly being maintained and further expanded. We are always happy to receive feedback and requests regarding our services.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management

Twitter: @RDMTUWien