All news at TU Wien

Blue Award 2013

International student competition for Sustainable Architecture

The Department for Spatial and Sustainable Design (Institute of Architecture and Design), TU Wien, organizes together with the Society of Architecture and Spatial Design biannually the BLUE AWARD, an international student competition for sustainable architecture. The prize is overseen by the UIA, International Union of Architects, represented by its President Albert Dubler.

Criteria for submissions

The competition is open to students of Bachelor`s and Master`s Degree programs, as well as students working on a diploma thesis or dissertation, in the academic fields of architecture, urbanism or regional planning. The submitted project must be part of a supervised coursework, having taken place during one of the following semesters: Summer Semester 2012, Winter Semester 2012/13, Summer Semester 2013 and Winter Semester 2013/14 and Summer Semester 2014. The competition awards projects addressing the topic of sustainability.

Deadline & Jury

The submission for Blue Award 2014 ends on September 1st, 2014. It will be handed out in three categories:

  • Category 1 – Urban Development and Transformation, Landscape Development
  • Category 2 – Ecological Building and Building in Existing Structures
  • Category 3 – Innovative Systems and Detailed Solutions

The prize sum of 10,000 Euros will be divided by the jury among the three categories of the competition. The jury may decide upon a number of honourable mentions.

The British architect Sir Richard Rogers will be Honorary President of the International Jury.

Awards Ceremony and Exhibition Opening will take place on December, 2014 at the TU Vienna.

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