All news at TU Wien

Annual financial statement 2023

The checklist annual financial statement 2023 contains all deadlines for the upcoming annual financial statement.

Checklist annual financial statement 2023, opens a file in a new window

Compliance with the listed deadlines enables the preparation of a correct and complete annual financial statement report.

We would like to refer you to the following dates in particular:

  • All open cash claims must be completed by 12/12/2023 and the necessary receipts for this scanned in. After that, it will not be possible to submit any new cash claims before the end of the year.
  • Travel expense reports must be recorded in SAP Services by 12/12/2023 at the latest.
  • Incoming invoices must be recorded and approved by 22/12/2023.
  • Requests for outgoing invoices in SAP Services which relate to the year 2023 must be recorded and approved by 31/12/2023 at the latest.
  • The last payment run in 2023 will take place on 28/12/2023 at 13:00; the first payment run in 2024 on 02/01/2024.
  • Christmas parties (delivery service, catering, restaurant etc.) can be organised again this year. We would like to point out that the available funds must be used sparingly. It is not possible to purchase gifts (incl. vouchers) for income tax reasons, regardless of whether the source is the global budget or third-party funding. Donations by TU Wien for any purpose, including charity, are also not permitted.

The deadlines merely stipulate the deadline for when we can carry out and guarantee processing in 2023.
Any incoming and outgoing invoices and travel expense reports received after this will only be posted in the year 2024.