Alle News an der TU Wien

Welcome to the Faculty of Physics, ERASMUS Students!

The faculty wants to present itself with an event taking place on the 17th of October.

Welcome to the Faculty of Physics, ERASMUS Students!

The faculty of physics wants to heartly welcome all ERASMUS students, who will join the Technische Universität Wien in order to continue their studies of physics in Vienna. For this purpose, an event will take place on the 17th of October from 4-6pm at the lecture hall FH HS 4 (Freihaus, 2nd floor, yellow area).

The order of events will be as follows:


Dean of the faculty of physics: Prof. Joachim Burgdörfer
Chef of the International office: Mag. Andreas Zemann

Information about university

Erasmus-Coordinator: Anna Pimenov

Some aspects of the studying on TU Vienna

Dean of study: Prof. Helmut Leeb


with DK Coordinator Solids4Fun: Dr. Andre Vogel

German knowledge

Innes Institute Vienna: Dr. Mitar Pitzek

Guided tour of main building

Fachschaft Physik

We are looking forward to welcome you at the faculty of Physics, the invitation with all the details is also available as a pdf.