Alle News an der TU Wien

TU Wien – MATLAB Day 2021

Please join us for TU Wien – MATLAB Day 2021 on October 14-15, 2021. We will be conducting two technical sessions online: one session will focus on Speeding up your computations with MATLAB; another session will focus on Interactive Coding Exercises with MATLAB Grader and how these can be used in teaching.

October 14, 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Speeding up your MATLAB Code

Are you curious about speeding up your computations with MATLAB?

Learn how to speed up your applications and how to scale them to clusters and clouds. You will learn about best coding practices for optimized performance including code generation. Using practical code examples, you will be introduced to parallel processing constructs for multicore desktop machines, GPUs and clusters.


October 15, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Interactive Coding Exercises with MATLAB Grader

Would you like to use interactive MATLAB assignments in your classes?

Learn how autograded assignments can help you get insights into learners’ progress and identify areas in which students are struggling. You will see how to build MATLAB coding exercises, organize them in collections and work with them in your classes using MATLAB Grader.
A demonstration from Dr. Andreas Körners team, Mathematics in Simulation and Education (TU Wien), will illustrate how MATLAB Grader is used in one of their classes.


Please feel free to forward this invite to others who may be interested in attending.

For more information, the agenda and to sign up for one or both sessions please register via TU Wien - MATLAB Day 2021, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster

We hope to see you at TU Wien - MATLAB Day 2021!