Alle News an der TU Wien

Seminarreihe Wassergütewirtschaft

Vortrag Dr. Georg Wolfram

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After a great opening talk by Arabel Long (Amann) on the strategy of Wien Energie GmbH for phosphorusrecycling in Vienna, we continued our seminar series on water quality management with another hot topic. Georg Wolfram gave us a very broad and informative insight on the pressures of climatechange on the Neusiedl lake and on the high level of complexity of the system and of its potential response to different management measures.
We thank our excellent speakers and we are glad to have again the chance to discuss these topics in depth with a well-mixed audience of students and experts from other sectors and institutions.
Looking forward to the next talks!

Programm (pdf), öffnet eine Datei in einem neuen Fenster