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Rigorosum Gerold Hepp

Rigorosum Gerold Hepp

Rigorosum Gerold Hepp

On Thursday, December 7, 2023 our dear former colleague Gerold Hepp has successfully defended his PhD thesis titled "Reducing Bias and Increasing Transparency in the Designation Process of Critical Source Areas Across Scales", co-supervised by Matthias Zessner and Ottavia Zoboli.
In his work on sediment transport and on the identification of critical sources of phosphorus emissions in river catchments, Gerold has managed to combine a contribution to scientific progress with the development of valuable tools for practitioners. Thanks to him, the PhosFate model has been greatly improved and made available as opensource R package RPhosFate.
Congratulations Gerold!
A special thank you to the examiners Prof. Adrienne Clement from Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Prof. Juraj Parajka from TU Wien.