Alle News an der TU Wien

Quantum gravitational states of ultracold neutrons as a tool for probing of beyond-Riemann gravity

We analyze a possibility to probe beyond-Riemann gravity (BRG) contributions, introduced by Kostelecký and Li (see Kostelecký and Li (2021)) on the basis of the Effective Field Theory (EFT) by Kostelecký (2004). We carry out such an analysis by calculating the BRG contributions to the transition frequencies of the quantum gravitational states of ultracold neutrons (UCNs). These states are being used for a test of interactions beyond the Standard Model (SM) and General Relativity (GR) in the qBOUNCE experiments. We improve by order of magnitude some constraints obtained by Kostelecký and Li (2021)

Quantum gravitational states of ultracold neutrons as a tool for probing of beyond-Riemann gravity

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