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QME News: Juni 2019 - Zwei Publikationen zu Thorium-229 in Nature angenommen!

Today, two manuscripts on Thorium-229 were accepted for publication in Nature.

QME News: Juni 2019

© Atominstitut

One work reports a measurement of the energy of the elusive isomeric
state, that may be used to build a nuclear clock to be 8.3 +/- 0.2 eV.
This work has been carried out by a team from LMU Munich with support
from GSI/Mainz, Max-Planck Institute for nuclear Physics, Heidelberg,
and of course the metrology team at TU Wien.

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The other work demonstrates optical X-ray pumping into the Thorium-229
isomer using the 29 keV second excited nuclear level as an intermediate
level. This work has been carried out at the SPring-8 facility by a
large Japanese consortium, again with support by the QME team of TU

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