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P3 Positive Energy Districts – Workshop Week

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PED course "positive energy districts": day 1

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PED course: final workshop day and posterwalk

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Vier Personen spazieren über den gepflasterten Hauptplatz von Trencin. Im Hintergrund sieht man eine Häuserfront mit Slowakischer Aufschrift sowie einen Kirchturm.

© Hartmut Dumke

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Aufsteller mit einem Werbetext zur Lehrveranstaltung "Positive Energy Districts. Zu sehen sind außerdem einen Landkarte von Europa, auf der die drei Partnerländer markiert sind, zudem die Partnerunis.

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Notizzettel zum Thema "Überraschungen" in englischer Sprache hängen auf einer Holzwand.

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Eingang zu einer Fußgänger:innenpassage, fotografiert in der Nacht.

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After several online meetings, we finally had a "real" workshop week! From 9th to 14th of may, we met with the blended intensive program course "positive energy districts", hosted in Bratislava and Trencin. 36 students from Serbia, Austria and Slovakia participated, and also Miland Husar, Aleksandar Djordjevic, Hartmut Dumke and Verena Fischer as staff from the Technical Universities in Vienna and Bratislava and the Faculty of Geography in Belgrade. We had many interesting guest lectures, fishbowls, city walks, plenary discussions, fact finding excursions, feedbacks with local experts and on the last day a fantastic poster walk with the preleminary results on 10 "positive energy districts" all over Trencin. We're really looking forward on the elaboration of the contents and generally, it feels great to be among the first frontrunners within the "Erasmus Blended Intensive Progams" all over Europe!