Alle News an der TU Wien

Neue Publikation von Arabel Long

Publikation von Arabel Long

Publikation von Arabel Long

The final piece of the PhD thesis of our dear former colleague Arabel Long (Amann) has been published!
The openaccess article presents our research on the potential impacts and trade-offs of a argescale, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster implementation of phosphorus recycling from sewage sludge and sewage sludge ash in Austria.
Well-chosen scenarios show how the choice of centralised vs. decentralised strategies and different technological solutions would affect the P recycling rate and utilisation rate, the fraction of heavy metals in the effluent returned to agricultural soils, the global warming potential, the cumulated energy demand, the terrestrial acidification potential, the volume of freight transport and the annual costs.
This work provided an important knowledge base for the development of the new Austrian Waste Incineration Ordinance, published in May 2024 (, öffnet eine externe URL), which foresees the recycling of phosphorus from WWTPs with more than 20000 PE by 2033!, öffnet eine externe URL