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Global Recycling Day

March 18 is Global Recycling Day - Together we fight to reduce global pollution for a sustainable future.


© Alfonso Navarro

Olivier Heldwein, student in the MSc ETIA program, class of 2022, shares his thoughts on the occasion:

"What do you do to save our planet? Recycle! Well, over our enthusiasm for recycling we should not forget that recycling is actually the last of the famous three R's. First, we want to reduce our consumption, then reuse the products we have for a longer period of time and only if we really cannot use something anymore, we then recycle it.

However, just recycling in itself is not the goal, not even on Global Recycling Day. The goal is something bigger and more revolutionary: a Circular Economy, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster! The circular economy actually has 9 Rs as principles, but today I just want point out the first two: refuse and rethink.

Refuse redundant or unnecessary products and stop being part of a destructive linear economy. Rethink economic and business models to imagine a more just and sustainable circular economy, based on sharing instead of owning, for example, where values and materials are not thrown away, but retained for society."

Learn more about Global Recycling Day 2022 >>, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster


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#RecyclingHeroes - Our partner ARA - Altstoff Recycling Austria AG, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster organizes the collection and recovery of packaging waste throughout Austria. For many years, ARA has been supporting the MSc ETIA program with the ARA Best Study Award, recognizing the three students with the best academic performance of each class with prize money in the amount of EUR 20.000.- in total.