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Einblicke von Outer Space

Ein Kosmonaut erzählt von seiner Reise in den Outer Space und seiner Karriere.

blauer Hintergrund, 2 Porträts, Einst und heute: Kosmonaut Dr. Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu 

© wikipedia

Einst und heute: Kosmonaut Dr. Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu

Am 7. März sprach Kosmonaut Dr. Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu in seinem Vortrag “Cosmonaut Insights: From Earth to the Stars - A Personal Odyssey” an der TU Wien Academy (ACE) über seine persönliche Erfahrung und Karriere in der Weltraumforschung. Im Anschluss an seine Präsentation beantwortete Prunariu noch einige Fragen aus dem Publikum.

As an expert, why are you so passionate about Space Exploration?

Prunariu: I had the chance at the age of 29 to accomplish a space flight as part of a government program, to work 8 days on board a space station and to continue my activity in the field after returning from space. Over the years, I have held various national and international positions, consultative or executive, which greatly broadened my scope and expertise in the cosmic field. It has been my main field of activity for over 40 years.

Why is this topic relevant for leaders?

Prunariu: Cosmic activities have become an integral part of our everyday life. Terrestrial phenomena and civil and military activities are highlighted and interpreted through high-resolution cosmic images in the visible or radar spectrum, including climate changes; global communications are ensured through telecommunications satellites; the weather is determined over long periods of time with the help of meteorological satellites; global navigation and positioning are possible only through satellite systems; various scientific and technological fields, including biological, medical, are developed through experiments carried out in outer space; many other activities that seem terrestrial necessarily include a significant outer space component. It is obvious that any leader must be informed in many fields of activity and make decisions, sometimes radical, wittingly, and a good part of this information and data is obtained and transmitted through space technologies.

How does this topic effect companies or society?

Prunariu: The annual turnover in the space field has exceeded 450 billion US dollars and is growing by 7-8% per year. The field involves one of the highest levels of innovation and technology. Businesses in the field of scientific research, innovation, development, industry and services become very profitable when the outer space is involved.

The quality of life of the citizen and society in general have increased substantially using the technologies and services developed from space activities. Let's just analyse how many applications we use almost daily that use information from satellites we have in our mobile phone. Just a few: Internet with all global audio/video applications, global telephony and messaging services, google maps, Waze, weather services, etc.

What do the participants learn from you?

Prunariu: Almost everything they want to know about the space field: about present and future space programs, content, context and expectations, about piloted space flights, successes and problems resulting from them, about rockets, spaceships, orbital stations and life on board them, but also the preparation of astronauts to fly in space, cosmic institutions at the international level, such as the UN, ESA, IAF, IAA, COSPAR, elements of outer space geopolitics, legal aspects etc.


Für angehende Weltraumforscher_innen: An der TU Wien Academy wird der Executive MBA Space Architecture, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster angeboten. Das Programm verbindet Wirtschaft, Ingenieurwesen und soziale Wissenschaften, mit einem Fokus auf Weltraumtechnologien und deren Anwendung auf der Erde. Teilnehmer_innen erwerben Wissen und Know-how über neue Technologien und Strategien für das Planen, Bauen und Leben im Weltraum. Dabei werden auch aktuelle Themen wie Ressourcenmanagement, Technologieeinsatz und Klima behandelt.

Key Facts zum Space Architecture MBA an der TU Wien Academy

  • Abschluss: Executive Master of Business Administration (Excutive MBA)
  • Dauer: 3 Semester + Masterthese
  • Format: Berufsbegleitend, geblockt in Modulen
  • Unterrichtssprache: Englisch
  • Lehrgangsbeitrag: EUR 29.790,00 (-10% Ermäßigung für TU Wien


Technology & Engineering Programme
+43 1 58801 41795