Alle News an der TU Wien

DWA Berufung für Jörg Krampe

DWA Berufung von Jörg Krampe

DWA Berufung von Jörg Krampe

The technical standards and guidelines of the DWA Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall provide a very important basis for the planning, construction and operation of plants in water, wastewater and waste management as well as soil conservation. The DWA relies on the work of recognised experts and specialists in the development of such Set of Rules.
In our field of competence, the sub-committee KA-6 "Aerobic biological treatment" plays a central role, e.g. for the design specifications of wastewater treatment plants.
We are thus very pleased that Prof. Jörg Krampe has been appointed as a new member of this select group of experts. By joining the committee, Jörg follows in the footsteps of his doctoral father Prof. Krauth, and of our former colleagues Prof. Norbert Matsche and Prof. Karl Svardal, and ensures that the know-how generated at our institute will help shape the wastewater treatment plants of the future.
Congratulations for the appointment!