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Book published: Neutron Interferometry, Lessons in Experimental Quantum Mechanics, Wave-Particle Duality, and Entanglement

Helmut Rauch & Samuel A. Werner

Book published: Neutron Interferometry, Lessons in Experimental Quantum Mechanics, Wave-Particle Duality, and Entanglement

Many gedanken experiments of quantum mechanics have become real due to neutron interferometry, andare vividly displayed in the wide assembly of neutron interferometry experiments which have been carriedout since the first demonstration of a perfect silicon crystal interferometer in 1974. Since the neutronexperiences all four fundamental forces of nature (strong, weak, electromagnetic, and gravitational),interferometry with neutrons provides a fertile testing ground for theory and precision measurements.The quantum physics ideas of entanglement, non-locality and contextuality, the topological Aharonov-Bohm phenomena, the Berry geometric phases, and Bell’s inequalities are beautifully displayed by the 40neutron interferometry experiments described and explained in this book.

New to this edition:
• New chapter on quantum contextuality and related topics
• New section on decoherence
• More attention to Larmor interferometry
• Further discussions about epistemological questions

The book is written in a style that will be suitable at the senior undergraduate and beginning of graduatelevel. It will interest and excite many students and researchers in neutron, nuclear, quantum, gravitational,optical, and atomic physics. Lecturers teaching courses in modern physics and quantum mechanics willfind a number of interesting and historic experiments they may want to include in their lectures.

Helmut Rauch is Professor Emeritus at the Technical University of Vienna.

Samuel A. Werner is Curators’ Professor Emeritus at the University of Missouri,and Guest Researcher at the Neutron Physics Group, NIST. 

Cover image: The cover picture shows a schematic view of a perfect crystal neutron interferometer. An incident neutron matter wave is split coherently by Bragg diffraction and shows particle and wave features predicted by quantum physics (courtesy Juergen Klepp).