University Life and Culture News

The hunt for the owl is over – These are the winners of the 8th Best Teaching Awards!

An evening dedicated to teaching and teachers at TU Wien

group picture

© TU Wien / Matthias Heisler

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The winners of the 8th Best Teaching Awards

welcome Bernhard Weingartner

© TU Wien / Matthias Heisler

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Welcome: Moderator Bernhard Weingartner led through the entire evening. 

welcome Rector Jens Schneider

© TU Wien / Matthias Heisler

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Opening of the 8th Award ceremony by Rector Jens Schneider

welcome Vice Rector Jasmin Gründling-Riener

© TU Wien / Matthias Heisler

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Welcome Vice Rector Academic Affairs Jasmin Gründling-Riener


© TU Wien / Matthias Heisler

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For guests there was chocolate. 

Science Busters: welcome Martin Puntigam

© TU Wien / Matthias Heisler

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Intermission act Science Busters: Martin Puntigam

Experiment Weinberger

© TU Wien / Matthias Heisler

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Intermission act Science Busters: Experiment with glass by Peter Weinberger

Experiment Oberzaucher Puntigam

© TU Wien / Matthias Heisler

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Intzermission act Science Busters: Experiment with Elisabeth Oberzaucher and Martin Puntigam

Award in detail

© TU Wien / Matthias Heisler

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Covented trophies.

On 3 October 2024, the Kuppelsaal of TU Wien was once again dedicated to teaching and teachers. This time, those teachers and courses that were particularly enthusiastic in the academic year 2023/24 were awarded. New this year: The award ceremony took place as a Green Event for the first time. The commitment and work of all those involved in the event were officially recognized and the event was certified according to the guidelines of the Austrian Ecolabel for Green Meetings and Green Events (UZ62). The impressive result: TU Wien achieved 73 out of a possible 45.5 points, which corresponds to an overwhelming completion rate of 160%.

The awards were opened by Rector Jens Schneider and Vice-Rector Academic Affairs Jasmin Gründling-Riener. Both emphasized how much this event is close to their hearts and how high priority teaching should have at a university. "For me as Vice-Rector Academic Affairs, this evening is something very special," beamed Jasmin Gründling-Riener. "I think it is important that we as a training institution bring our teaching and especially our teachers to the forefront at least once a year in order to show the variety of opportunities and the high quality of teaching we offer our students at TU Wien."

Not all lecturers and course teachers were able to take home a trophy. The guests in the Kuppelsaal and in front of the screens during the stream nevertheless got a good overview of all the nominated finalists, because for the first time all finalists introduced themselves by means of short intro videos before the award ceremony of the individual categories.

Brain and laughing muscles were challenged by the 20-minute intermission act of the Science Busters, opens an external URL in a new window. Martin Puntigam entertained the guests together with Peter Weinberger (TU Wien) and Elisabeth Oberzaucher (University of Vienna, opens an external URL in a new window).

Moderator Bernhard Weingartner led through the entire evening.


These are the winners of the 8th Best Teaching Awards

Best Lecture Award

The Best Lecture Award honors particularly outstanding courses by a team of lecturers or an individual lecturer. In this category, the focus is on courses that have convinced students in a particularly positive way, for example through the innovative teaching concept, the type of didactic teaching or the use of media and tools.

Winners Best Lecture Award

Digital Systems (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology)

  • Univ.Ass. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Friedrich Bauer

Physical Measurement Technique (Faculty of Physics)

  • Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Phys. Dr.rer.nat. Thorsten Schumm
  • Senior Scientist DI Dr.techn. Johannes Sterba
  • Senior Scientist Dipl.-Phys. Dr. rer.nat. Stephanie Manz

Programming for Chemists (Faculty of Technical Chemistry)

  • Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Bernhard Lendl
  • Univ.Ass. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Georg Ramer BSc
  • Univ.Ass. Dr. rer.nat. Esther Carina Heid MSc

Best Gender-Sensitive Teaching Award

The Best Gender-Sensitive Teaching Award is awarded to courses that have a visible focus on gender sensitivity, such as:

  • gender-sensitive communication through the use of inclusive language
  • conscious counteraction of discrimination and stereotyping
  • the inclusion of gender aspects in appropriate places

Winners Best Gender-Sensitive Teaching

Ways of thinking in informatics (Faculty of Informatics)

  • Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Peter Purgathofer
  • Univ.Prof. Mag.rer.nat. Dr.rer.nat. Stefan Szeider                
  • Projectass. Mag. des. ind. Silvia-Kay Kender                         
  • Privatdoz. Christopher Frauenberger PhD                                   
  • Senior Lecturer Dr.rer.nat. Michael Pollak MSc
  • Senior Lecturer Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Naemi Luckner BSc     


Best Teacher Award

This award is given to particularly committed teachers at TU Wien who offer their students exceptional teaching and who succeed in creating conditions for successful learning together with and for students.

Winners Best Teacher Award TU Academy for Continuing Education (ACE)

  • Univ.Ass. Dr.rer.pol. Arne Keller, MSc for the lecture Organizational Path Development in the programme EMBA Digital Transformation & Change Management

Winners Best Teacher Award

  • Assistant Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Alexey Cherevan (Faculty of Technical Chemistry)
  • Univ.Prof. Mag.rer.nat. Dr.techn. Georg Steinhauser (Faculty of Technical Chemistry)
  • Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Alois Panholzer (Faculty of Mathematics and Geoinformation)
  • Assistant Prof. Dr. phil. Mag. phil. Astrid Weiss (Faculty of Informatics)


The special prize Best Young Teacher Award was awarded to Projectass. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Felix Dellinger BSc (Faculty of Mathematics and Geoinformation).


We congratulate all winners warmly.