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Selim Banabak at the ENHR Conference

The annual conference of the European Network for Housing Research took place in Lodz from 28-30 June.

Selim Banabak bei der ENHR Konferenz 2023

© Selim Banabak

Under the title "Urban regeneration: shines and shadows", this year's ENHR conference, opens an external URL in a new window took place in Lodz, Poland. The programme included several keynotes, workshops and field trips.

Selim Banabak presented a paper on measuring rent gaps including empirical results on gentrification in the private rental market in Vienna. At the same time, Antonia Schneider from IFIP presented an article co-authored with Selim Banabak on the suburbanisation of poverty and the role of housing market segmentation.

Despite a long journey to and from Lodz, the visit was worthwhile! Both papers received constructive feedback and the conference offered good opportunities to network with researchers from all over Europe and beyond.