News articles

“New Trends in Logic”

Conference honoring the Winners of the Kurt Gödel Research Prize Fellowships 2008 and 2011; April 28-29, 2011 at the Celebration Hall of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Kurt Gödel (1906 - 1978)

Kurt Gödel (1906 - 1978)

Kurt Gödel (1906 - 1978)

The Kurt Gödel Society is proud to announce the conference introducing winners of the second round and presenting the results achieved by the first round winners of the Kurt Gödel Research Prize Fellowship Program. These are the highest prizes ever awarded in the field of logic.
The program is organized by the Kurt Gödel Society and supported by the John Templeton Foundation.

The first day features lectures by the winners of both Fellowships’ rounds and the award ceremony. On the second day, eminent logicians from different generations will give lectures about their views of the foundations of logic. These lectures are complemented by a lecture from Anton Zeilinger on the foundations of quantum mechanics. Finally, the conference will be closed by Harvey Friedman’s piano concert.

The conference is open to public.
<link file:19718 _blank pdf-link program for announcement>Programme