News articles

Long day of flight 2024

Raum Region supported Caritas Austria as a research department in organising a public event at the Academy of Fine Arts in the course of the Long Day of Flight 2024.

[Translate to English:] Eindrücke zum Langen Tag der Flucht

© Karoline Hadek

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Impressions of the Long Day of Flight

Impressions of the Long Day of Flight

© Karoline Hadek

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Impressions of the Long Day of Flight

Impressions of the Long Day of Flight

© Karoline Hadek

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Impressions of the Long Day of Flight

Impressions of the Long Day of Flight

© Karoline Hadek

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Long Day of Flight

Impressions of the Long Day of Flight

The picture shows the entrance area of the Academy of Fine Arts.

© Karoline Hadek

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Impressions of the Long Day of Flight

On 4 October, a three-dimensional puzzle was built together as a symbol of cohesion. The motifs were designed by people with refugee experience and the artist Duda Samir and represent their different stories and experiences.  The puzzle is also intended to serve as a signal to political decision-makers to preserve the social climate in which people are given an honest opportunity to get involved. 

The ‘Raum4Refugees’ campaign, which was launched at the institute a few years ago, was also represented by several people. Raum4Refugees is a platform set up in autumn 2015 on which experts offer municipalities, planning departments, associations and clubs free advice on planning and communication issues relating to accommodation and living with refugees. Expertise on location issues for housing, work and services of general interest, vacancy and land management, mobility services, spatial legal issues, regional economic effects, moderation, participation or process design in the regions can be accessed here.