News articles

Guest Radoslav Tonev

Group picture with guest Radoslav Tonev

© N. Weber

M. Zessner, N. Weber, R. Tonev, O. Zoboli, S. Kittlaus, M. Liu

Our team was truly pleased to host Radoslav Tonev from the Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering at University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Sofia for a short researchstay. Building on the very constructive and positive collaboration of our teams within the Interreg Danube Hazard m3c project, the purpose of this stay was to intensify the exchange and transfer of know-how regarding the regionalized modelling of emission pathways of micropollutants at river catchment scale.
We are looking forward to continuing our Austrian-Bulgarian collaboration in future projects and to improving together the use of sound policy-support tools in the field of waterquality in the Danube River Basin!
The stay was supported by the project „Clean technologies for sustainable environment – waters, waste, energy for circular economy“ (Clean&Circle), financed by the Operational programme “Science and Education for Smart Growth”2014-2020 and co-financed by the European union through the European structural and investment funds (, opens an external URL in a new window)