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The ZUKUNFT STADT Podcast is online!

A podcast by the Faculty of Architecture and Planning at TU Wien on current topics in urban development and the built environment.

[Translate to English:] Coverbild des ZUKUNFT STADT Podcasts

© future.lab

[Translate to English:] Cover Zukunft Stadt Podcast

The first season of the ZUKUNFT STADT podcast revolves around the faculties' main topic of “Transformation of the existing building stock”. In addition to public events, there are exciting discussions on in-depth topics, presentations on publications and insights into research and teaching at the faculty. The podcast will deal with questions of conversion or further construction, possible criticism of urban mix and why it is nevertheless important, new forms of housing, circular economy as well as existing buildings in rural areas.

The podcast is a cooperation between the future.lab and ifoer and is produced by Lukas Bast, Lena Hohenkamp and Madlyn Miessgang.


Further information can be found on the future.lab , opens an external URL in a new windowwebsite or Instagram , opens an external URL in a new window@zukunftstadt.podcast.

Listen now on Spotify, opens an external URL in a new window, Apple Podcasts, opens an external URL in a new window, Amazon Music, opens an external URL in a new window or Castbox, opens an external URL in a new window!