News articles

APPEAR III Project Clean and Prosperous in Uganda

[Translate to English:] Therese Schwarzböck, Richard Lee und Sara Neuburg in  Uganda

© FAR TU Wien

This June Therese Schwarzböck, Richard Lee and Sara Neuburg, who are all working at our research unit within the APPEAR III project Clean and Prosperous Uganda CPUg, went on a research trip to Uganda. During their trip they had exciting discussions with project partners and important stakeholders within the area of waste and faecal sludge management. They also met up with all the students who are engaged in the project to get an overview on their great research that’s been done so far. On the delegation’s agenda was also a visit to the Imvepi refugee settlement and their fecal sludge treatment plant as well as a meeting at the Austrian Development Agency in Kampala. Next to all these appointments, a sampling campaign at two composting plants was performed in order to investigate the refuse-derived fuel potential of their sieving rejects. 

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