News articles

Three men stand in front of a blackboard, with a periodic table of the elements in the background.

Researchers at TU Wien discover excellent thermoelectric properties of nickel-gold alloys. These can be used to efficiently convert heat into electrical energy.

three portraits

Huge success for TU Wien in this year's ERC Starting Grants: Julian Leonard, Katta Spiel and Xiao-Hua Qin receive highly endowed grants.

[Translate to English:] Zwei Wildschweine in einer Erdgrube
© Joachim Reddemann

Decades after the Chernobyl nuclear accident, wild boar meat is still surprisingly radioactive. The solution to the riddle: an important other cause had been overlooked.

white hexagonal lattice overlayed by wawy lines

The carbon material graphene has excellent electronic properties. But are they also stable enough to be useful in practice? Calculations from TU Wien say: Yes.