News about research data management

Get ready for the upcoming LVA Introduction to Research Data Management!

After a successful kick-off last winter semester, our VU on research data management now enters its second round.

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Earn three ECTS and learn about the basics of research data management. You can find the lecture with exercise in the Transferable Skills Catalogue. It starts on 3rd October 2024 and is best suited for Master's and PhD students.

See details in TISS: 058.005 Introduction into Research Data Management, opens an external URL in a new window

The LVA aims to teach the correct handling of research data already during education and to create an awareness of topics like Open Science and reproducibility of research at an early stage. Covered are basics such as the FAIR principles, the research data lifecycle and RDM policies, useful tools like data management plans, persistent identifiers and licenses, and essential technical components of an RDM infrastructure such as repositories and electronic lab notebooks.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna