Short title: UN.I.CO: TeleNuggetsRob

Long title: Teaching and Learning Nuggets for Interactive Robotics

Sponsors: EIT Manufacturing (body of European Union)

Assignment to our (IMW) research priorities:

  • Digital World of Works
  • Human-Robot Interaction
  • Digital Assistance Systems
  • Digital Learning

Duration: 01.01.2020-31.12.2020


The purpose of this activity is to create unified university-level content for technology adopters in manufacturing in the form of teaching and learning nuggets. The presented project will not only produce first-level content for robotics, but also provide “companion” second-level content for trainers, teachers and educators.

A teaching nugget typically consists of learning nuggets that are provided to the learner, as well as templates and tasks that a teacher can use to create practical learning experiences. By targeting certain nuggets at educators, it promotes early adoption of EIT Manufacturing's Guided Learning Platform (GLP) by opinion leaders in the education sector.


The project is based on already existing robot platforms (COMAU’s e.Do manipulator and a mobile robot platform developed by the Univ. Tartu). The two compact, modular and open-source-robot platforms are already used in educational settings (i.e. for secondary education). By providing learning and teaching nuggets for the GLP, proven approaches to teaching robotics can be taken to a higher and especially much broader level. Furthermore, the project will create a better understanding of new opportunities through human-machine collaboration and novel software frameworks.

UN.I.CO: TeleNuggetsRob provides innovative educational content for EIT Manufacturing’s Guided Learning Platform. Already existing, flexible, open-source robotics platforms are used to stimulate creativity and participation inside and outside a classroom setting. UN.I.CO. delivers hands-on, interactive experiences to encourage participation, cooperation and inclusion among students. The presented project will not only produce first-level content for robotics, but also provide “companion” second-level content for trainers, teachers and educators.


Research institutions:

  • TU Wien, Institute of Management Science
  • University of Tartu - Estonia

Company partner:

  • Comau

Contact details:

Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Nixdorf
Theresianumgasse 27, 1040 Vienna, Austria