23. May 2023, 13:00 until 15:00

Service4ScienceUX: Workshop Use Cases for IGSN (EN)


This workshops aims to encourage conversations among TU Wien researchers about the intended usage of IGSN.

Following our information session on persistent identifiers, opens an external URL in a new window (PIDs), we will hold a workshop on the International Generic Sample Number (IGSN, opens an external URL in a new window) and the development of use cases of this identifier. 

The aim of this second workshop is to provide information on the use of IGSN as a PID, and to encourage interactive conversations among TU Wien researchers about the intended usage of IGSN throughout the research process, particularly in the context of the FAIR principles.

The workshop will be held by:
Dr.in Alicia Fatima Gomez-Sanchez (alicia.gomez@tuwien.ac.at)
Mag.a Elise Harder (elise.harder@tuwien.ac.at)


Calendar entry

Event location

1040 Wien DD 05 B04 (Lecture room, 5. floor, TU Wien Bibliothek)
Resselgasse 4



TU Wien Bibliothek
Charlotte Reiff


More Information






Entrance fee



Registration required


Registration via TISS, opens an external URL in a new window