ESAO 2021

Biofluidslab at the 47th ESAO Congress, 7-11 September 2021, London, Digital Congress


Biofluidslab presented two Posters at the 47 ESAO Congress:

P. Ecker, B. Haddadi, M. Pekovits, B. Lukitsch, C. Janeczek, M. Gföhler, M. Harasek: "Biomimetic approach to increase mass transport in hollow fiber Membranes - computational evaluation of flow characteristics in micro-structured fibers for membrane oxygenators"

M. Pekovits, P. Ecker, B. Lukitsch, B. Haddadi, M. Golda, M. Harasek, M. Gföhler: "Biomimetic approach to increase mass transport in hollow fiber Membranes - Production of micro-structured fibers for Membrane oxygenators"