
New textbook published: China - Geographies of a World Power

Titelbild vom Lehrbuch "China - Geographien einer Weltmacht"

© Springer Verlag

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Picture of Franziska Sielker in front of a white background

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The new textbook China - Geographies of a World Power offers a comprehensive insight into the central discussions surrounding China. The chapter 'The Belt and Road Initiative - The New Silk Road from China to Duisburg' was written by Franziska Sielker in cooperation with Peter Dannenberg and deals in detail with the topic of the new Silk Road.

In this chapter, the following questions will be addressed, among others:

  • Which goals and developments are part of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)?
  • How is the BRI financed and implemented, and what other backgrounds must be taken into account?
  • How does the Silk Road manifest itself concretely in the example of Duisburg?
  • How can the development of the BRI so far be evaluated?

This textbook is available from Springer Verlag, opens an external URL in a new window. Students and teachers of the Vienna University of Technology (login required at the corresponding institution) can access this book free of charge and use it in teaching.