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Zonta International Amelia Earhart Fellowships-Austria

Zonta International Amelia Earhart Fellowships for women is pursuing graduate Ph.D./doctoral degrees in aerospace-related sciences and aerospace-related engineering.



Zonta International invites applications for the 2013 academic year from qualified women for fellowships of US $10,000 each for graduate study in aerospace-related sciences and aerospace-related engineering.

Amelia Earhart & Zonta International

The Fellowships memorialize famed air pioneer and Zontian, Amelia Earhart, who disappeared over the Pacific in 1937. By remembering Amelia Earhart through this fellowship, Zonta International encourages and supports women to expand their horizons by pursuing aerospace-related sciences and aerospace engineering. There have been 1,368 Amelia Earhart Fellowships totaling over US $8 million awarded to 959 fellows worldwide. It is anticipated that 35 Fellowships will be awarded in 2013.


Women of any nationality are eligible. To apply for the fellowship, you must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Be registered in a full-time Ph.D./doctoral program in a qualifying area of science or engineering closely related to advanced studies in aerospace-related science or aerospace-related engineering. A letter of acceptance or verification of enrollment must be submitted with the application.
  • Demonstrate a superior academic record at a recognized university or college with accredited courses in aerospace-related studies as verified by official transcripts and recommendations. In programs where graduate transcripts are not provided as a matter of institution policy, please provide a statement of that policy from the registrar or other school official. Please note that electronic transcripts will not be accepted.
  • Provide evidence of a well-defined research program in aerospace-related science or aerospace-related engineering as described in the application essay (in general scientific terms), the academic documents and publications.
  • Clearly demonstrate the relationship of the research to aerospace and furnish verification of research program through at least one of the reference letters required with the application [i.e. research supervisor or advisor must be one of the referees].
  • Applicant must be registered in a full-time Ph.D./doctorate program when funds are received in September and will not graduate before April 2014.


The application can also be downloaded from the <link http: whatwedo internationalprograms ameliaearhartfellowship.aspx _blank link_extern>Zonta International website. 
The application, recommendations, official transcripts, and verification of enrollment for 2013 Amelia Earhart Fellowships must be received or post-marked by 15 November 2012 to be considered.