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Yes, we talk TU Wien! - Book Club

At TU Wien's Book Club, “Yes, we talk TU Wien”, four selected books that shed light on TU Wien from new perspectives will be discussed. Copies of the books are available in the Luftpavillon since July 17, 2024.

Two people hold the four books of the TU Wien Book Club up to the camera

As an integral part of TU Wien's Strategy Development Process, there is now a book club entitled “Yes, we talk TU Wien!”. By reading and discussing four books, it offers the opportunity to shed light on the dimensions of TU Wien's identity from different perspectives, in particular from the point of view of European values, and to discuss them in panel discussions.

Copies of the books are available in the Air pavilion since July 17, 2024. You can pick them up during opening hours. The books will be lent out on a first come, first served basis. Panel discussions with inspiring guests on the books will take place in the fall. The exact dates for the discussions and the opening hours of the Luftpavillon can be found at

The four books are:

Die KI sei mit euch: Macht, Illusion und Kontrolle algorithmischer Vorhersage
Helga Nowotny | Book Mentor: Beate Guba

Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy
Cathy O’Neil | Book Mentor: Marjo Rauhala

Solange wir leben
David Safier | Book Mentor: Paulus Ebner

I, Robot
Isaac Asimov | Book Mentor: Peter Knees