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Tenure Track Position in Artificial Intelligence and Earth Observation

WWTF position

The research team Remote Sensing of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation of TU Wien, in collaboration with the Database and AI group from the Institute of Logic and Computation, is seeking an outstanding early-career scientists interested in building up her or his independent research group at TU Wien.

Tenure Track Position (f/m/d) in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Earth Observation

This call is made in the context of the 15th Vienna Research Groups for Young Investigators call 2024, which will award up to three group leader positions as part of the WWTF’s Information and Communication Technology programme. The selection follows a two-stage process: In stage one applicants apply for a tenure track professorship at the TU Wien. In stage two, applicants apply for a WWTF grant together with a proponent from the Technische Universität Wien of the applicant’s choice. Please note that the submission deadline for stage one is already: 18.01.2024. The deadline for stage two is on March 19, 2024.

The proposed topic deals with “Explainable Big Earth Observation Data Models”. The aim to carry out basic research for making AI models used to model Earth observation data explainable. This is crucial in applications where transparency, interpretability, and accountability are essential, such as forecasting climatic extremes or quantifying the effectiveness of climate change adaptation and mitigation measures.

For more information, please see the information pages of


For questions please contact

Prof. Wolfgang Wagner
Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, TU Wien


Prof. Stefan Woltran
Institute of Logic and Computation, TU Wien