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World Environment Day

June 5 is World Environment Day. #GenerationRestoration is meant to encourage young people to get active.


Tiziano Alessandri, MSc ETIA student, class of 2021, shares his thoughts on the occasion:

"Reimagine. Recreate. Restore. These three words are not only the motto of the World Environment Day 2021, but they seem to slowly sicker into the minds of the world’s population. Younger generations are re-configuring their lifestyles to comply with an increasing awareness of this planets finite resources. While older generations are struggling to do so. The problem is that the power to bring about sustainable change often lies with the latter, while the former are dismissed as inexperienced, unrealistic or simply not profit-oriented enough. Nevertheless, it is young people who will have to bear the burden of what is being (or not being) done now.

The system, the economy, the impact we humans have on this planet now have to be reimagined and reconfigured to be able to last, while the business-as-usual approach (and this should be clear to all by now) will inevitably be our doom. Yes, this sounds quite dramatic, but the situation is dramatic and downplaying it will not get us anywhere. However, the problem cannot be solved unilaterally. The younger generation must repeatedly approach those in power to bring about change, and must do so in an informed way, with passion and knowledge. Mostly this will go unheeded, but the mere possibility that one of the many tries will actually affect the situation at hand is, and must be, worth the effort.

While it is the right of young people to demand an intact planet, it is the duty of all to work towards this end. Keep in mind, the young people of today will be the old of tomorrow – they better educate themselves." 

Learn more about the World Environment Day 2021, opens an external URL in a new window.


The interdisciplinary MSc Environmental Technology & International Affairs is a joint program of the TU Wien and the Diplomatic Academy Vienna. This pioneering project enables graduates to understand and analyze the relevant scientific and technical issues, while at the same time providing them with a sound knowledge of international affairs. Join the next Online Info Session on Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 3:00PM (Vienna time).