All news at TU Wien

We have moved

The Center for Research Data Management is located in new premises. You will find us from now on in the top floor of Favoritenstrasse 16, 1040 Vienna.

[Translate to English:] shopping cart with moving materials

Photo: Christiane Stork

The tasks of the Center for Research Data Management have spanned a wide range. With the move, the technical and non-technical employees are now physically closer together. In this way, communication within the team can be intensified, thus facilitating the sometimes challenging translation of IT language into user-friendly implementations.

By hiring five new project members for the digitization project FAIR Data Austria, our team has grown considerably and needs more space. The project provides the impetus for the TU-wide expansion of research data management infrastructures. For example, it is planned to provide the members of the TU Wien with a TU-owned data repository and an institutional GitLab instance in the second quarter of 2021. The project also plans to develop a machine-actionable DMP tool and a central contact point for questions regarding the FAIR principles, which will be offered in a timely manner. The conception of a repository for databases or for complex, dynamic data sets is also on the project agenda.

FAIR Data Austria

The FAIR Data Austria project is one of the selected digitisation projects at public universities which are funded by the BMBWF between 2020 and 2024. It contributes to strengthening the knowledge transfer between universities, economy and society and supports the sustainable development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC, opens an external URL in a new window). The implementation of the FAIR principles, opens an external URL in a new window plays an essential role in this context.

FAIR Data Austria provides complementary building blocks for the projects Austrian DataLAB and Services and RIS Synergy, which together with FAIR Data Austria form the project cluster Research Data.

More information about this cluster can be found at, opens an external URL in a new window.

Further digitisation projects of the ministry

Would you like to know which other projects have been funded as part of the Digitisation Call? You can find an overview in the information brochure, opens an external URL in a new window "Digital and Social Transformation" of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, Vienna, January 2020.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstrasse 16, top floor, 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien