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We are travelling to ASC in Honolulu

Numerous members of our research group will present their work at ASC 2022.

Logo of the ASC 2022 conference in Honolulu

Logo of the ASC 2022 conference in Honolulu

Scientists from all around the globe come together every two years to present their recent findings at the Applied Superconductivity Conference, opens an external URL in a new window (ASC). The mission of this conference is to promote the exchange of scientific and technical ideas, breakthroughs and accomplishments. We are proud and delighted to announce that our group will be travelling to the Hawaii Convention Center to hold several talks at this year's conference. The topics of the talks range from fundamental understanding of the local current distribution in high temperature superconductors (HTS) to the performance and lifetime of HTS under the influence of neutron irradiation. These findings are relevant to further our understanding of superconductors and their much-anticipated performance in projects like ITER, DEMO and at CERN.