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Congratulations - Graduation Ceremony of our 13. class TU WIFI College Industrial Engineering

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On Friday, July 5th, 2024, the graduates of the two-year Industrial Engineering program at TU Wien celebrated their successful completion under radiant sunshine. The ceremony took place at TUtheSky, TU Wien, and was attended by the graduates' families and loved ones who had supported them throughout their journey towards their coveted certificates.

A special highlight of the event was the musical accompaniment by the string quartet from the TU Orchestra, which added a festive atmosphere to the occasion. Following the traditional student anthem "Gaudeamus Igitur," MMag.a Catherina Purrucker, Head of Programs at TU Wien Academy, welcomed the graduates from Linz and guided the proceedings as the moderator.

Associate Prof. Michael Filzmoser, PhD, the academic program director at TU Wien, delivered a keynote speech acknowledging the students' achievements. Prof. Filzmoser emphasized the diversity of career opportunities within the field and illustrated this with examples from recent theses, highlighting the subject's relevance and demand in the business sector. Industrial Engineering integrates technical and economic aspects and addresses problems from an interdisciplinary perspective. Students receive comprehensive training in conceptual activities such as process management and work preparation, with specialized areas like quality assurance, controlling, and logistics addressed in practical contexts.

Following his personal address, Prof. Filzmoser ceremoniously presented the certificates to the graduates. The event concluded with the Austrian national anthem, followed by a reception featuring sparkling wine, pastries, and heartfelt congratulations from their families.

TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education and WIFI Austria extend heartfelt congratulations and wish the graduates every success in their professional futures and in achieving their career goals.


Key Facts

Degree: Academic Industrial Engineer

Admission Requirements: Open to individuals with general university entrance qualifications for an Austrian university or university of applied sciences, or those possessing equivalent qualifications based on professional experience and achievements.

Program Director: Associate Prof. Michael Filzmoser, PhD

Language of Instruction: German

Duration and Structure: 4 semesters, part-time, modular

Location: Linz, Upper Austria

Start Date: October 18, 2024, WIFI Linz

Cost: EUR 13,900 (excluding travel and accommodation)

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