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How to deal with the existing stock in rural areas?

Barbara Steinbrunner and Isabel Stumfol address this question in the latest episode of the ZUKUNFT STADT podcast with their guests Klaus Falkinger, Barbara Feller and Werner Tschirk.

[Translate to English:] Coverbild der Podcastfolge mit einem Bild einer alpinen Landschaft im Hintergrund und dem Titel "Bestand in der Fläche" im Vordergrund.

The fourth episode of the ZUKUNFT STADT podcast deals with existing buildings in rural areas. Barbara Steinbrunner (Department of Land Policy and Land Management, TU Wien) and Isabel Stumfol (Center for Rural Areas, future.lab, TU Wien) have invited for a discussion. Klaus Falkinger (Mayor of Kleinzell im Mühlkreis), Barbara Feller (Landluft association and Initiative bink. Baukulturvermittlung für junge Menschen) and Werner Tschirk (ifoer) shared exciting ideas. Thereby questions about the further development of building in rural areas and what tips and advice can be given to planners were discussed.


Listen now on Spotify, opens an external URL in a new window, Apple Podcasts, opens an external URL in a new window, Amazon Music, opens an external URL in a new window or Castbox, opens an external URL in a new window!


The podcast ZUKUNFT STADT of the Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning at TU Wien is a cooperation between the future.lab and ifoer and is produced by Lukas Bast, Lena Hohenkamp and Madlyn Miessgang.