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What has become of the ARA Best Study Award winner Beatrice Fantacci?

Portrait Beatrice Fantacci

Excellent academic achievements not only impress on the certificate.  ARA AG , opens an external URL in a new windowgrants the Best Study Award to those ETIA students with the best academic performance over the two years of study.

One of them is Beatrice Fantacci, alumna of the postgraduate program MSc Environmental Technology & International Affairs (ETIA) and winner of the ARA Best Study Award 2017: 

“Having an important firm such as ARA granting the Best Study Award to the ETIA students is a great opportunity. It has not only kept me motivated throughout my studies, but it has also aided me in making my first steps of my professional career.” 

Career steps since the graduation

“After my graduation from the ETIA programme I did an internship at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime for the Wildlife and Forest Crime Programme.” 

For more information on the ARA Best Study Award please click here, opens an external URL in a new window