All news at TU Wien

Welcome to winter semester 2023!

We can hardly wait! This week the new semester starts and we welcome all new students at TU. Here is an overview of the courses offered at the Research Department for Regional Planning and Regional Development for the Bachelor and Master program. Enjoy browsing and have a good start into your studies!

Auf dem Bild ist die Beschreibung des Wintersemester 2023 zu sehen, mehr Informationen dazu finden sie im Text.

© Martin Aufhauser


Lehre im Wintersemester 2023

The winter semester 2023 starts for all first-year students in the Bachelor's program with the mandatory introductory study phase, which includes the Orientierungsphase, opens an external URL in a new window and the Raumwerkstatt, opens an external URL in a new window.

In addition, the compulsory courses Fundamentals of Regional Planning, opens an external URL in a new window from the 3rd semester and Planning Theory and Planning Ethics, opens an external URL in a new window from the 5th semesterwill be offered.

The course Spatial development planning, opens an external URL in a new window (project 2) deals with the urban region of Eferding (Lower Austria) this semester.


For the Master's program, the  diploma seminar region, opens an external URL in a new window will be offered again. Registrations are possible from 15.09.2023. Im Wintersemster finden wie immer die Pflichtlehveranstaltungen Research and Planning Design, opens an external URL in a new window und Integrated Development Planning., opens an external URL in a new window

This year, the master's projekt Spatial Planning - Positive Energy Districts 2.0, opens an external URL in a new window is also offered.


The following courses are offered in the master's elective:

Elective module 2 and 3

Kickstart Lienz Süd - Freiraum im Wandel, opens an external URL in a new window

Angerdörfer: Anger ist nicht gleich Anger, opens an external URL in a new window

All electives

Fokus Raumplanung - Ethik der Raumwerte, opens an external URL in a new window

The registration deadlines start uniformly on 15.09.2023 at 09:00!

We look forward to seeing you in one course or another in the coming semester!