All news at TU Wien

Welcome E&I Class 2018-2020 to TU Wien

E&I Class 2018-2020

Specialization opening of the Professional MBA Entrepreneurship & Innovation Class 2018-2020.

At Wednesday’s beginning of the E&I Specialization at TU Wien, Prof. Kurt Matyas (Vice Rector for Academic Affairs) and Prof. Sabine Köszegi (Academic Director) gave a warm welcome to the MBA students and invited them to a Networking Breakfast.

Following the speeches, the guests gathered at the breakfast buffet, which offered a nice setting to network. This was also a great opportunity to get together after the Field Trip to Boston/New York and to recall the events. After the breakfast, the MBA students started with their first Specialization Module on “Sources of Innovation" with Prof. Peter Keinz. What a nice way to start the day :)