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Welcome back Leila TAGHIZADEH!

Foto Leila Taghizadeh

Leila Taghizadeh

Foto Leila Taghizadeh

Dr. Leila TAGHIZADEH received her PhD with distinction in Applied Mathematics at TU Wien in 2019. Her PhD thesis was awarded the Hannspeter-Winter-Prize 2020 as the best PhD thesis of a female student among all areas of science. After about two years PostDoc at TU Wien, Leila moved to Germany and she was a postdoctoral researcher for about two years at the Technical University of Munich in the research group of Scientific Computing and Uncertainty Quantification of Prof. Elisabeth Ullmann. Leila received the Elise Richter Fellowship 2022 and her research proposal with the title "Computational Uncertainty Quantification in Nanotechnology" has been approved for funding by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). Leila joined the Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing as a Project Leader and Elise Richter Fellow in May 2023. This is the only FWF Elise Richter Fellowship granted for TU Wien in 2022, and the only one in Mathematics in Austria in 2022.

The Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing congratulates Leila and is pleased to welcome her back at TU Wien!