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Webinar on sustainable school mobility

As part of the EU-funded Horizon 2020 SHARED Green Deal project, TU Wien Research Unit Sociology, together with the partner from MRI & ICLEI are organizing a webinar on accelerating sustainable mobility with future generations. Date: 25 März, 11.00-12.30 CET.

Logo of the SHARED Green Deal Mobility Stream

SGD Sustainable Mobility Logo

SGD Sustainable Mobility Logo

As part of the event series local actions for a SHARED GREEN DEAL, opens an external URL in a new window, this session will share and discuss the experiences and results to date in co-creating and co-designing urban mobility solutions with future generations. In this session, experts from TU Wien, Metropolitan Research Institute, ICLEI Europe, and practitioners from local communities across Europe will present the experiences of creating ‘Urban Mobility Labs’ in schools to accelerate the shift to sustainable and smart school mobility.

The insights are stemming from Shared Green Deal local experiments developed in four European cities -Braga, opens an external URL in a new window (Portugal),Galway, opens an external URL in a new window (Ireland),Sofia, opens an external URL in a new window (Bulgaria) and Panevezys, opens an external URL in a new window (Lithuania) - with primary and secondary school children, their teachers and parents.

The aim of this event is also to discuss processes and inspiring new practices to engage/ involve children and thereby foster the representation of young people in policy making for a safer, more active and sustainable way to school.

Join SHARED GREEN DEAL in this discussion! The next generations can play a significant role bringing forward sustainable changes.

Register, opens an external URL in a new window now to join the session on 25 March, from 11.00-12.30 CET.